Bali Weather December

Do you intend to visit Bali in December? If so, you may be wondering what the weather will be like.

Below you will find all the information you need to know for the weather in Bali in December including typical daily temperature, rainfall, and ocean temperature so you can plan your vacation accordingly.

December Weather in Bali

  • Averages temperature: 27°C (80.6°F)
  • Sunshine hours/day: 9
  • Rainfall: 194mm (7.64 inches)
  • Rainy days: 18
  • Humidity: 85%
  • Ocean temperature: 29°C (84.2°F)

High and Low Temperatures

In December, the average daily temperature in Bali is 27°C (80.6°F), with an average high of 30°C (86°F), and an average low temperature of 23°C (73°F).

This is a pleasant temperature for outdoor activities such as sunbathing, sightseeing, and exploration.

December Rainfall in Bali

In December, the average daily rainfall in Bali is 194mm (7.64 inches). It rains for an average of 18 days in December. Even if it rains, you may still have a good time in Bali at this time of year.

Please remember to bring a raincoat or umbrella in case of unexpected showers.

Sunshine Hours in Bali in December

December is a great time to visit Bali, with an average of 9 hours of sunshine daily. It’s important to note that this is sunshine hours, not to be confused with daylight hours.

During this time of year, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the island’s outdoor activities and get those perfect social media shots without worrying about being overcast.

Ocean Temperature in Bali in December

In December, the average ocean temperature in Bali is 29°C (84.2°F). This temperature is suitable for swimming and snorkelling, as well as scuba diving.


Finally, with its reasonable daily temperature, limited rainfall, and ideal ocean temperature, Bali in December is a terrific time to visit.

There’s plenty of time to appreciate everything Bali offers, with 9 hours of sunshine daily. Whether you want to go sightseeing, sunbathe, or learn about the local culture, Bali in December will give you a unique experience.

Though it may be one of the rainier months, it is still a tropical 27 degrees and the 194mm of rain is spread across 18 days which equals only a little over 10mm for each of those days.


What’s the typical weather like in Bali during December?

December in Bali is marked by warm temperatures, high humidity, and a higher chance of rain due to the rainy season. The average temperature hovers around 27°C (80.6°F), with ocean temperatures being quite warm at approximately 29°C (84.2°F), making it suitable for swimming​​​​.

Is December a good time to visit Bali?

Yes, December can be a great time to visit Bali. While it is the rainy season, the island experiences fewer weather-related disruptions compared to other destinations. Bali’s rainy season often means afternoon showers, leaving mornings sunny and clear for outdoor activities​​​​.

Can I expect a lot of rain in Bali in December?

December falls within Bali’s rainy season, so you can expect more frequent rain than in the dry season. However, rain showers can be short and leave plenty of time for sunshine and exploration. On average, there might be around 22 rainy days, but it varies year by year​​​​.

Are certain activities or destinations in Bali best avoided in December due to the weather?

While Bali offers many sunny days in December, some activities like island hopping, diving, and snorkelling might be less ideal due to rough sea conditions. However, places like Nusa Dua still enjoy clear waters, and Bali’s cultural and inland attractions remain appealing​​.

How does the weather in December affect Bali’s beaches?

Many of Bali’s beaches experience rougher seas and more debris washed ashore during the rainy season. However, Nusa Dua maintains clear waters, and beaches can be less crowded, offering a serene experience​​​​.

What are some recommended activities in Bali during December?

December is a festive time in Bali with a lot of cultural and holiday events. The weather allows for beach relaxation, temple explorations, indulging in spa treatments, and enjoying the local cuisine. The rainy afternoons are perfect for exploring Bali’s vibrant markets and galleries​​.

What should I pack for a trip to Bali in December?

Essential items include a raincoat or umbrella, lightweight and breathable clothing, swimwear, sunscreen, a hat, insect repellent, and comfortable walking shoes for exploring. Packing for both warm weather and potential rain showers will ensure you’re prepared for December’s variable conditions​​​​.

How does the December weather in Bali compare to the rest of the year?

December is one of the wetter months in Bali, contrasting with the dry season from April to September. Despite this, Bali’s warm temperatures remain consistent year-round, with December offering a mix of sunny days and rainy periods​​​​.

Is Bali still hot in December?

Yes, Bali remains warm in December with high humidity levels, making it feel hot, especially after rain showers​​.

Is Christmas a good time to go to Bali?

Absolutely! Christmas is a busy and vibrant time in Bali, with various events, parties, and a festive atmosphere making it an attractive period for many travellers​​.

What is Bali weather like at Christmas?

The weather in Bali around Christmas is warm and comfortable, with occasional showers, ensuring plenty of sunshine for holiday activities​​.

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