Bali Weather August

Are you planning a trip to Bali in August and curious about the weather? There is no need to look any further! In this post, we will tell you all you need to know about the weather in Bali in August so you can plan the perfect vacation.

August Weather in Bali

  • Average Temperature: 26°C (78.8°F)
  • Sunshine hours/day: 8
  • Rainfall: 25mm (0.98 inch)
  • Rainy days: 5
  • Humidity: 75%
  • Ocean temperature: 27°C (80.6°F)

High and Low Temperatures

The average daily temperature in Bali in August is 26°C (78.8°F), making it ideal for a beach vacation. In August, the average high temperature in Bali is 31°C (88°F), and the average low temperature is 22°C (72°F). This suitable temperature range will allow you to enjoy your holiday activities without feeling overheated or underheated.

August Rainfall in Bali

In August, Bali enjoys its dry season, which means that the average daily rainfall is minimal. In August, Bali receives an average of 25mm (0.98 inch) of rain, which falls over 5 days on average. As a result, you can expect lots of sunny days to enjoy all of Bali’s outdoor activities.

August Ocean Temperature in Bali

Bali is the place to go if you want to have some fun in the sun in a tropical paradise. In August, the average ocean temperature in Bali is 27°C (80.6°F), which is warm and ideal for swimming, snorkelling, and other aquatic activities.

Sunshine Hours in Bali in August

The average hours of sunshine in Bali in August are 8 hours, so you’ll have plenty of time to soak up the sun and enjoy all the outdoor activities that Bali has to offer.


Due to its mild weather and limited rainfall, Bali is an excellent August destination. Bali has something for everyone, whether you want a quiet beach vacation or an action-packed vacation. So, pack your luggage and come to Bali in August for an unforgettable vacation!

August is a good time to visit Bali because it has a warm tropical environment that is ideal for anyone looking for a summer vacation. With an average daily temperature of 26°C or 78.8°F, you can expect plenty of sunny days to enjoy all of Bali’s outdoor activities, including swimming, snorkelling, and surfing.

Although there is still a potential of rain in August, Bali is in its dry season, with an average daily rainfall of 25mm or 0.98 inches falling on an average of three days.

Furthermore, with 8 hours of sunshine daily, you’ll have plenty of time to explore Bali’s cultural attractions and picturesque landscapes, making August a great month to plan your tropical escape to this enchanting island paradise.


What’s the average temperature in Bali in August?

The average temperature in Bali during August ranges from 22°C (72°F) at night to 31°C (88°F) during the day, providing a warm climate perfect for beach vacations and outdoor activities​​​​​​.

How much does it rain in Bali in August?

August is part of Bali’s dry season, with minimal rainfall. You can expect an average of 25mm (0.98 inches) of rain spread over about five days, making it one of the driest months and ideal for exploring the island​​​​.

Is it sunny in Bali in August?

Yes, Bali enjoys around 8 to 10 hours of sunshine per day in August, ensuring ample sunlight for all kinds of outdoor activities, from beach lounging to sightseeing​​​​​​.

What’s the sea temperature in Bali in August?

The average sea temperature around Bali in August is a warm 27°C (80.6°F) to 26°C, perfect for swimming, snorkelling, and other water-based activities​​​​.

What’s the humidity level in Bali in August?

The humidity in August is around 75%, which is slightly lower than in the wetter months. The cool breezes typical for this time of the year make the humidity levels more comfortable​​.

Are there any specific weather conditions to be aware of in Bali in August?

August is characterised by its dry conditions, high heat, and low chance of rain, making it an excellent time for a Bali holiday. However, it’s always wise to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun during peak hours.

How does the weather in August affect tourist activities in Bali?

The dry and sunny weather in August is conducive to almost all tourist activities in Bali, from beach days and water sports to hiking and cultural tours. It’s also a peak tourist season, so expect busier sites and higher accommodation rates​​​​​​.

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